Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I Love Racing Season

It feels like I *just* got home from racing Oceanside and...here we are again with another race week upon us!  This makes me very happy.

This weekend I will be racing the New Orleans 70.3.  I did this race last year as evidenced by...


Unfortunately, my mom and Oscar are not joining me this year.  But I am traveling and staying with Pittsburgh friends and they too probably like BEIGNETS!

I have several goals for this race.  Here are some of them:

1) Swim.  Yes, this seems like a relatively easy goal to achieve.  But after Oceanside, you have to admit, it's legit.  Because whatever I was doing in the Oceanside Harbor a few weeks back couldn't possibly be considered swimming!

2) Beat Chad and Jeremy to the finish line.  Lucky for me I have a 22 minute head start.  Do you think I can do it??  It will be close and that is SO FUN!  :)

I do have a few more goals than this.  But these are the most notable ones.  More than anything I want to continue to learn and have fun and smile and be thankful for the opportunity that racing is.  Also, I want to eat lots of beignets!

Best of luck to all racing this weekend in NOLA and beyond!  Pro race #2, HERE WE GO! 


  1. Count Michelle and my mom and I in for the BEIGNET trip! I am so excited for these. Here we go again! It does seem like it was just race week. Whew...our lives rock! Happy taper!

  2. All I can think about right now is beignets! Maybe I should pack first! Happy happy taper:)

  3. Ooooh, good call on racing Chad. I was racing a PR time last year of someone from here at IMLou, worked like a charm and kept me focused :)

    For the swim, just swim! You are a GREAT swimmer. Don't overthink it!

  4. Doesn't it seem like once the first race happens, the rest come at you in rapid succession??

    Good luck this weekend and have a great time in NOLA!! :)

  5. Have a GREAT race this weekend Beth!!!! Sounds like you will have fun time in NOLA w/ everyone! I have yet to try these beignets, they look DELISH!!! :)

  6. Good Luck!

    Fun story- my sis and I used to have "how high can we pile the powdered sugar on the beignet and eat it without having a powdered sugar cloud cover us?" contests when we lived in Mississippi.

    Sad, but true- I checked to make sure that Mary Mahoney's in MS was still standing post Katrina (after checking on friends, of course!).

  7. GOOD luck Beth! I know that SWIM will come for you! ENJOY your trip and have an awesome race!!!!!

  8. yay beth, hope you have a great race!!

  9. Go get 'em Tiger! Looking forward to tracking you and get out there and attack that swim.

  10. wheeee! good luck and HAVE FUN!
