Since the last time I wrote, about 3 weeks ago, my hip and I have had a lot of ups and downs. Although I wouldn't consider ANY injury "easy", this one has been one of my tougher ones for the mere fact that there is nothing straightforward about it. My hip and I are essentially playing a game of "let's see what you can take" - me challenging it with training, it challenging me with some pain, some soreness and a good dose of emotional turmoil. We've had some good days and we've had some very bad days. Some setbacks and some steps forward. The hardest part is being in limbo, not really knowing what to expect or hope for. As my friend Jocelyn (who has had her fair share of injuries x 10,000) says, "being in limbo sucks". Yes. Yes it does.
And then before I knew it, race week was upon me. About 4 or 5 days before the race it was decided that I was indeed going to do the entire race (including the run). Oh boy.
If you've been reading this blog long enough (or you actually know me in person), you know that race week is my FAVORITE week(s) of the year. I love, love, love to race. But this race week had a different feel to it. Mostly I just felt afraid and worried. Worried about my fitness (what fitness??). Afraid my hip was going to be very painful. Worried I'd have to drop out. Afraid I'd set myself back even further. I wondered whose idea racing this "early" was (it was mine) and desperately wanted another couple weeks (for what, I'm not sure).
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This has always been one of my favorite quotes. |
I may have never been so happy to ride my bike hard as I was in Syracuse, up and down all those big hills. IT FELT SO GOOD. So, so good. Somewhere on that ride a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. It was the reassurance I needed that it really is worth the struggle that I've put myself through these past couple months and I'd really rather be no place else.
As for the race itself (seems kind of secondary, but this is a race report!), well, it was kind of a shock to the system! I've not swam, biked or run that hard in a very long time. Nor had I run that far since IM Cabo. But our bodies are stronger than we think and mine held up pretty well. About 8 miles into the run, my legs had had enough and my lack of run fitness reared it's ugly head. But in truth, I far exceeded what I thought I would be physically capable of. I had to start somewhere and I think this was a pretty good start.
And how was/is my hip? Well after a good pep talk, it held itself together pretty well on race day. And it doesn't seem much worse for the wear after the fact! THANK YOU, hip! Now we have just a bit more work to do...
Other than my hip, I have a ton of thank yous: (bear with me)
Casey at CID. You make this dream possible for me and I'm so thankful. I always feel your hometown support out on the course! We are!
Hailey, Kebby and Reg at Coeur. Awesome people that run an awesome business that makes awesome gear. I am so lucky to be a part of your team.
Mac at QR. You took me on and then I promptly injured myself. Ooops! But my first race on my Illicito was a smashing success! Here's to much more of the same.
All my other sponsors.
Awesome family and friends! You put up with a lot!
Brad & Brittany. You go above and beyond in keeping me healthy. I so appreciate it. When your PT texts you after your race to see how your hip felt, you know you found a keeper!
My QT2 family. Best teammates EVAH!!!
Tim. You need a raise.
And most of all, Oscar. Nobody knows the ups and downs like you do. Thanks for always being there no matter what. 12 years, baby!!
And now it's time to get back at it and keep it rolling. Hang on, hip, we've got some work to do!
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Syracuse is a beautiful race. And it was a BEAUTIFUL day! |
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I was a hurtin' puppy on that run. And that large, grassy field we had to run through wasn't any fun. :) |
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Podium with some awesome ladies! |