Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dang, That Was A Long Time Ago...

I've been such a deliquent blogger again!  I have no excuse other than it's a busy time of year (duh) and I'm trying to get lots of sleep.  Unfortunately when push comes to shove, blogging goes by the wayside (I wish I could make work go by the wayside instead - HA!).

Training is humming along well.  The double runs and double swims of November were replaced with big(ger) bike miles in December (I just knew that would happen).  I still have a double run or two but the double swims have disappeared.  Not to fear - I did manage to get a 100x100 swim set on my schedule for next Saturday.  Which makes me soooooo excited!  This will be my first attempt at such a set, something I've wanted to do FOREVER but never found a group to do it with (yes, I know I could do it by myself but...ouch).  ANYWAY, the Pittsburgh Triathlon Club is sponsoring the swim and so not only do I get to do 100x100 but I get to do it with a lot of great friends!  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I've also managed to find a new masters team that I'm pretty excited about.  Not to replace my own masters team at Pitt (which is so awesome I seriously wish I could swim there EVERY SINGLE DAY), but rather to ADD to the rotation.  This new team has a practice on Saturday, which Pitt does not.  And word on the street is, this Saturday practice is usually 5.5-6K in length.  Um...YES PLEASE!  (I think I really am a swimmer at, love, love it!)

In other news, the Occupy Pittsburgh people have been making news here in Western PA because they are getting kicked out of their spot and they are not going easy.  This is very similiar to Roxy when she does her rendition of Occupy Couch and Occupy Sunny Spot:

"Can I help you human?"

She lets you know if your bag is in the way of the sunny spot...
The good news is, in less than 2 weeks I'll be doing my own version of Occupy Hammock.  We are going to South Carolina for Christmas!  (which is where my parents live, in case you were wondering)  I simply CANNOT wait! 

This was from several Christmases ago.  Let it be known, family, I call the hammock FIRST!
And finally, I leave you with a conversation that O and I had on our run this morning...  We were discussed that while we both aren't *that* much older than 30, our 20s seriously seem like ages ago.

Me: Yeah, I'm only 32 but 29 seemed like light years ago.
Oscar (who is 34): Seriously, it's not like I'm 39!
Me: Right?
Oscar (after thinking a bit): I guess I am 5 years removed from my 20s.  (QOTD) Dang, that was a long time ago...

You might have had to be there but it was really funny - I swear!

Have a great weekend everyone!

PS  I bought whole wheat orzo at the grocery store, now I must figure what to do with it!
PPS We finally saw the Muppet movie today.  Spectacular!  Animal is the bomb!  :)


  1. I've been so bad at blogging lately too. I keep trying...and then closing the page. Enjoy your big swim!!!

  2. OMG you and Oscar are over the hill. I had no idea you were that old. :)

    The best thing of life is it just gets better. :) There are always bumps and hills, but in my opinion things just get better. :)

    Have fun in SC. My wife has a hammock inside her reading room. She gets comfy in that, and she lets me lay on a wood floor. :)

  3. Let me know what you do with the orzo---I used to feed it to Lelia when she was a baby (no need to chew it) and I put it into chicken or turkey soup. My 20s feel like forever ago. I want to get into my non-existent jet and swim Saturday masters with you. Our Saturday am swim group peters out once the skiing gets good---but I am equally guilty of choosing a ski over a swim!

  4. You amaze me. Have fun with the 100x100!

    There are great orzo ideas on pinterest. Click on the photo and there will be a link at the upper right of the picture that will take you to the location of the recipe.

  5. roxy is adorable! so excited for you to get some time to rest in SC over Christmas, sounds like a great break! yea for new masters teams, I swear you were meant to be a swimmer if you are excited about 100x100. I could cringe just thinking of it! keep up the good work!!
    oh and there are so many good good things you can do with orzo! I remember seeing a recipe with salmon arugula garlic and lemon juice with whole wheat orzo. I will send you the recipe if I can locate it!

  6. Ooooh, for the whole wheat orzo, you should try this... so many healthy foods in it, and it's very, very yummy... I sort of want to make some now!

    (side note: I am in love with this website/blog and it is my go-to place for healthy, different, fun recipes!)

    I've played around with a few substitutions/additions and have found that I like adding roasted cherry tomatoes (adds some nice color, too), removing the cilantro (I'm not a cilantro fan) and substituting goat cheese for feta.

  7. Did you ever think you would like swimming so much?!?!?! That's nuts. You know what else is? 100x100!!! :)

    I tell everyone I'm 30 just b/c I forget I'm actually *31*. OOOPPPs!

  8. Muppet movie ROCKED!!!!! I laughed so hard it was great :)

  9. I love your Roxy, so cute and acts like my Lily:).Fun times ahead for you. Have a great holiday with your family:)!

  10. My 20's seem like FOREVER ago... 2 months yesterday ;)
